Improvement of other parts of the body

Surgeons of the Plastic Surgery Clinic also perform corrections on various other parts of the body:

  • correction of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall with the simultaneous possibility of navel transplantation and strengthening of the abdominal muscles;
  • correction of the skin of the upper arm in case of flabbiness and sagging due to sudden weight loss or age-related changes in skin elasticity;
  • suction of fat from various parts of the body;
  • calf shape correction.
Apply for a consultation
Improvement of other parts of the body

Sign up for a consultation

During an individual consultation, having discussed your wishes and needs with a specialist, you will learn how you can improve your health, emphasize beauty and regain self-confidence.


Follow the safe procedure

LMC employs only the best specialists, experienced microsurgeons and plastic surgeons who will make sure that the operation is successful and that you recover as quickly as possible.


Recover in the hands of experienced professionals

After the operation, the recovery process takes place in our clinic, where you will be looked after by our best doctors and attentive medical staff.

Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon.
Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon
Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon
Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon
Certified plastic surgeon
Certified plastic surgeon
Operation price

Improvement of other parts of the body

Apply for a visit today and feel better in your body.

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