Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon

Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon


Dr. P. Laucis has been working at the Microsurgery Center of Latvia since 2002. He performs operations in cosmetic, reconstructive and hand surgery, corrections of wrinkles and facial contours with injectable implants, PRF, plasma injections.

Phone number: 67969830 20284685

Breast reconstructive surgery


Aesthetic surgery


Hand surgery

Professional organizations

Member of the Board of the Latvian Association of Plastic Surgeons.

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) since 2002.

ISAPS National Secretary.

Latvian Association of Hand and Microsurgery.

Additional education and practice

Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen (Norway, 1996–2000)

Telemark Regional Hospital – Sykehus Telemark HF (Norway, 2002–2006)

Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Stavanger - SUS Stavanger HF (Norway 2009 - 2013)

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