Certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, hand surgeon
ViewRhinoplasty is a surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to correct the nose. This is the most common direction in plastic surgery, and only a third of patients turn to the surgeon in connection with functional (medical) disorders. In other cases, the reason for performing a rhinoplasty is precisely the aesthetic need, such as the hump, the width of the nose, the hook-shaped tip, etc.
Indications for rhinoplasty
Medical indications for nose surgery are also the consequences of injuries, surgical interventions that have been previously transferred. Despite the fact that rhinoplasty is done only after reaching the age of majority, in this case, age does not matter.
Aesthetic imperfections:
Apply for counselling
By discussing your wishes and needs with a specialist, you will be able to gain clarity on how you can improve your health, feel beautiful, and regain self-confidence.
Perform a safe procedure
LMC hires only the best specialists who will ensure successful operation and quick recovery.
Recover in the hands of experienced professionals
Your post-operation recovery takes place in our clinic, where you will be in the hands of our best professionals.
You can get these services from our specialists
ANDA GAILE, certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon.
Nasal plastic surgery
Primary nasal surgery is corrective surgery for patients who have not previously had surgery in the
nasal area.
Secondary or recurrent rhinoplasty is a manipulation in which a repeat operation is performed on
the nasal area after a primary intervention to correct an aesthetic or functional result.
Open rhinoplasty is a type of nasal correction where the incision line passes both the mucous
membrane and the nasal septum skin. Its advantage is better visualization of structures and the
ability to manipulate altered structures more accurately and extensively. Depending on the extent of
the operation, a small, slightly visible scar may remain on the nasal septum skin. The technique is
used for extensive correction operations, so a wider field of scars in the subcutaneous tissue may
Closed rhinoplasty is a surgical technique in which the incision is localized only in the nasal mucous
During nasal plastic surgery a doctor can:
Cartilage, bone, and fascia grafts from the patient’s own body may be required for the operation.
Duration of the operation
2-5 hours (depending on the extent of the correction).
99% of the surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is used for minor adjustments.
The course of the postoperative period is determined by the size of the operation. Plaster
or plastic fixative is often used after extensive nasal plastic surgery. This helps maintain the newly
acquired shape. The nasal swab is used in case of extensive corrections. The day of its removal is
determined by the treating plastic surgeon based on the extent of the operation. The skin thread is
typically removed on the seventh day. Tapes and special preparations can be used to control edema
in the postoperative period. The edema decreases within two to four weeks. Physical activity should
be limited to four weeks after surgery, and repeated nasal injuries and sun exposure should be
avoided for eight weeks. The final result is obtained after a year.
Usually, the result of rhinoplasty is preserved for life, the formation of the final result may take up to a year. During this time, the nose may change slightly.
You can view our price list here.
You can get these services from our specialists:
Anda Gaile, certified plastic surgeon, microsurgeon.
What examinations should I have when coming for a rhinoplasty consultation?
To evaluate the interaction of anatomical structures, it is necessary to perform a computed tomography examination.
How long is the postoperative period after rhinoplasty?
The postoperative period is on average 2-4 weeks. Then there is a gradual decrease in edema, subcutaneous hemorrhages, healing of wounds. The final aesthetic result will be seen in 6-12 months.
Can surgery be performed under local anesthesia?
Some minor adjustments can be made under local anesthesia, but 99% of surgeries are performed under general anesthesia.
Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty) with osteotomy
from 4500 €
The price of the operation includes surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay. A surcharge may be applied to the price of the operation in particularly difficult cases, depending on the duration of the operation.
Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty) without osteotomy
from 3300 €
The price of the operation includes surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay.
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